2 July 2024

Network automation tools (Image by OCTOBITS)

Network automation introduces a paradigm shift, transforming traditional manual network management into a streamlined, efficient, and error-reduced process.

This leap is not just about speed; it’s about resilience, consistency, and the power to innovate while maintaining a solid operational foundation.

For example, consider a healthcare provider needing to provision network resources for a new facility rapidly. 

With network automation, they can roll out standard configurations quickly and consistently, minimizing setup time and ensuring compliance.

This is the realm of network automation, where algorithms and software take the helm, allowing IT professionals to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine tasks.

In a 2024 IMARC Group report, the IT and telecom sectors, in particular, have emerged as frontrunners in embracing network automation.

These industries manage complex network infrastructures and face relentless pressure to innovate and maintain service reliability.

Network automation is a critical tool in these sectors, enabling them to streamline operations, enhance security, and respond swiftly to evolving demands (IMARC Group, 2024)​​.

Looking ahead, the integration of hyper-automation and artificial intelligence into network automation heralds a new era of network management.

These technologies promise greater efficiency, predictive capabilities, and a shift towards self-managing network environments, further elevating the importance of network automation in the digital landscape.

In this article, we’ll deeply dive into network automation, exploring why it matters, how it works, and the best tools to leverage for maximum efficiency.

Why Automate Your Network?

The allure of network automation lies in its manifold benefits, transcending mere efficiency. It’s about creating a network that is not only self-sufficient but also self-optimizing and self-healing.

  • Reduces operational costs: Network automation significantly lowers engineers’ time on network changes or troubleshooting, directly decreasing operating expenses.
  • Enhances network reliability: Manual changes are a common cause of network downtime. Automation minimizes these risks, improving network reliability.
  • Accelerates service delivery: By automating tasks, your network can deploy new services and applications much faster, meeting business needs with agility.
  • Improves compliance and security: Network automation ensures policies and standards are applied consistently, enhancing your network’s security posture.
  • Market adoption and growth: Large enterprises with complex network infrastructures find network automation indispensable for managing their extensive networks efficiently. The technology’s scalability also makes it a vital tool for IT and telecom sectors, which require agile and reliable network management to handle substantial data traffic and deliver services effectively.

How does Network Automation Work?

Network automation employs software to manage, configure, test, and operate network equipment, ensuring networks can dynamically adapt and respond to various scenarios.

Firstly, network automation significantly mitigates the risks associated with manual configurations, which are a leading cause of network downtime.

Tools like Infoblox NetMRI play a crucial role in enhancing network operations. They standardize and automate configurations and change management processes.

This approach helps uphold network integrity and enforce security policies efficiently. Ultimately, it reduces human error and boosts network reliability.

Moreover, automation provides real-time monitoring and troubleshooting in network management.

It proactively detects and addresses issues, often before they affect service delivery.

This proactive monitoring stance ensures higher network availability and significantly improves user satisfaction.

By maintaining network performance optimally, automation greatly enhances the overall user experience.

From a technical perspective, network automation encompasses a variety of tools and practices. 

Script-driven approaches leverage languages like Ansible, Python, and Ruby to automate specific network tasks.

Advanced network automation systems utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to enhance their capabilities.

These technologies allow the systems to dynamically adapt network policies, ensuring they align with the overarching business goals and performance requirements.

Such automation ensures that network resources are optimized in real-time to meet the specific needs and objectives of the business.

This strategic alignment between network operations and business intent is critical for maintaining operational efficiency and achieving business outcomes. 

As network environments become more complex and distributed, automation stands out as a key enabler of agility and resilience.

Now, getting network automation right is super important but also a bit tricky. You must pick the tools and approaches that fit your company best.

Once you nail that, you’re in for a smooth ride—think of quicker service rollouts, tighter security, and your network humming along just right. 

Plus, it’s a big win for your digital transformation journey, setting you up for success in the tech-savvy world. So, picking the right tools? Definitely not a step to skimp on!

What is Network Automation (Image by OCTOBITS)

What is the Best Network Automation Tool?

Network automation is like having a super-efficient assistant for your network, taking care of the tedious stuff so your team can focus on the bigger picture.

Let’s break it down with examples of top tools that fit your company’s needs.

SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager stands out for its proactive approach to maintaining network integrity, automatically restoring configurations if unsanctioned changes are detected.

It’s a great fit if you’re big on security and want to keep a tight ship regarding unauthorized network modifications.

Plus, it’s particularly adept at aiding in compliance documentation, thanks to its detailed change logs and integration with the National Vulnerability Database for quick vulnerability patching.

If your network spans multiple vendors, ManageEngine could be your go-to. It’s known for its versatility, managing everything from Cisco to Juniper devices under one roof.

Real-time alerts keep you in the loop on configuration changes, ensuring you’re always on top of your game in maintaining industry standards and compliance (Zluri).

For those who lean towards innovation, Ansible by Red Hat offers a simplified yet powerful automation framework that’s become quite the favourite in the networking world.

Thanks to its playbook approach, it supports many network vendors. It allows for easy scaling and management of complex deployments.

Another good reason is Cisco’s network automation solution. They’re reliable, adaptable, and pack a ton of features.

In Cisco, there’s a tool for almost every task you can imagine. So, what makes Cisco’s approach so compelling?

  • Play well with others: Their solutions work seamlessly with your existing tools and systems.
  • Built to grow: Cisco tools can scale alongside your business, saving headaches.
  • Security-minded: Security is baked into their systems, giving you extra peace of mind.

Each tool has unique strengths, so the “best” choice boils down to what aligns best with your specific network environments and business objectives.

Whether it’s enhanced security, multi-vendor management, or innovative automation features, there’s a tool out there that’s just the right fit for your needs.


So, integrating network automation isn’t just about keeping up with the Joneses; it’s about staying ahead of the curve, enhancing security, and making sure your business runs.

As you start your network automation journey, remember it’s not about finding the perfect tool. Focus on solutions that fit your needs, whether simplifying your day-to-day operations or ramping up security.