1 July 2024

Reporting on SaaS spending (Image by Octobits)

Octobits Blog – As SaaS adoption continues to surge, so reporting on SaaS spending is an essential practice for businesses of all sizes that leverage Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions.

Yes, it’s important to get the reporting right because it affects the budget and how much you get back on your investment in these digital assets.

That’s why we’re gonna focus on several aspects related to SaaS spending reporting. Let’s buckle up.

Challenges in Tracking SaaS Spending

The core difficulties in tracking and managing SaaS spending arise from the often-decentralized way SaaS solutions are acquired, along with the inherent complexities within SaaS contracts themselves.

As companies embrace a growing array of SaaS tools, keeping track of renewals, usage patterns, and adherence to budgetary guidelines becomes increasingly challenging.

A 2022 Statista study revealed that an organization uses an average of 130 SaaS applications, and continued growth in SaaS expenditure is forecasted. This trend amplifies existing challenges.

Furthermore, Gartner anticipates that inflation will disproportionately impact PaaS and SaaS segments, driven by staffing difficulties and a heightened focus on protecting profit margins.

While growth is still projected in both sectors, 23.2% for PaaS and 16.8% for SaaS in 2023, inflationary pressures and staffing issues add another layer of complexity to cost management.

The sheer volume of applications contributes to a fragmented landscape that hinders financial oversight.

This makes SaaS financial management and cost optimization crucial areas of concern for IT departments.

To effectively address these concerns, organizations should adopt strategic measures. This includes:

  • Visibility enhancement: Gain a comprehensive view of all SaaS solutions in use within the organization.
  • Governance frameworks: Implement strong governance structures to minimize the risks of shadow IT.
  • Analytical tools: Employ sophisticated analytics to optimize SaaS financial operations.

For another reference, you can read More Than Save Money: How to Managing and Renewing SaaS Contracts.”

Tools and Software for SaaS Spending Reporting

Specialized SaaS reporting tools are indispensable for achieving effective SaaS spending management.

These tools empower organizations to gain visibility into their spending, monitor usage patterns, and identify opportunities for SaaS cost optimization.

Octobits stands out as a solution, seamlessly integrating with numerous data sources.

This integration creates a centralized hub for financial management. Its user-friendly dashboards are specifically designed to highlight potential areas for cost savings.

Other industry-leading tools include Sisense and Cometly. Sisense boasts exceptional data processing capabilities and an intuitive analytics platform, well-suited for organizations seeking to integrate analytics into their operations deeply.

Cometly, on the other hand, excels in detailed revenue attribution analytics, making it invaluable for marketing teams needing to track campaign effectiveness and refine their strategies.

It’s important to note that Octobits offers a free trial period, an attractive feature for businesses seeking to assess its value thoroughly.

This highlights its commitment to enabling effective financial and operational management, helping organizations precisely manage SaaS investments.

Octobits’ strength lies in its ability to present user-friendly dashboards. These dashboards simplify the process of understanding the sources of SaaS costs and where potential savings exist.

The clarity provided by these dashboards allows financial managers and IT leaders to make data-driven decisions regarding software investments and usage patterns.

By leveraging tools like Octobits, businesses can cultivate a more disciplined approach to managing SaaS expenses.

This discipline is paramount to ensure continued growth and financial well-being in today’s cloud-reliant business landscape.

Consider scheduling a consultation via our contact page to explore how Octobits can align with your specific needs.Reporting on SaaS Spending

Steps to Create Effective SaaS Spending Reports

If you want to get the most out of your software investments and keep your organization’s finances in order, it’s important to have a solid SaaS spending reporting process in place. So, it’s time to break down.

Discovery and Inventory

Begin by meticulously cataloging every single SaaS subscription in use throughout your organization.

Leverage tools that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems.

This comprehensive inventory reveals not only actively utilized applications but also underused or overlooked subscriptions.

It lays the cornerstone for proactive SaaS expense management and SaaS cost optimization.


Systematically classify your SaaS tools. Categorize by department, core functionality, or designated cost center.

This organization will facilitate accurate cost tracking and allocation.

It illuminates which departments or functions gain the most value from specific tools and identifies redundant applications ripe for elimination, thereby reducing unnecessary expenditures.


With categorized data in hand, thoroughly analyze the usage patterns and associated costs of each SaaS tool.

Scrutinize this data for trends like seasonal peaks in usage or subscriptions with minimal activity.

This analysis pinpoints areas where spending could be reduced or where investment in additional resources might be justified.


Synthesize your findings into regular reports that deliver actionable insights to key stakeholders.

These reports should emphasize potential cost-saving opportunities, areas warranting further scrutiny, and strategic recommendations for SaaS investments moving forward.

The aim is to empower informed decision-making, ensuring SaaS expenditures closely support overarching business objectives.

Analyzing SaaS Spending Data for Better Decisions

To derive maximum value from your SaaS investments and ensure spending aligns with organizational goals, a systematic analysis of SaaS spending data is vital. 

Evaluating Utilization Rates

It’s really important to work out how often you use your different SaaS tools.

This evaluation helps you find out which subscriptions you’re not using that you might not need to pay for.

Tools like Octobits excel in this area, providing a comprehensive overview of all SaaS applications in use.

This holistic view empowers you to make informed decisions about which tools truly form the backbone of your operations.

Renegotiating Contracts Based on Usage

Armed with a clear understanding of how your SaaS tools are used, you gain leverage in negotiations with vendors.

This knowledge allows you to advocate for contract terms that better reflect your actual usage patterns.

Potential outcomes include reducing the number of licenses, securing more favorable rates based on loyalty, or negotiating volume-based discounts. These strategies contribute to substantial cost savings.

Also, kindly readHow to Negotiate SaaS Contracts for Better Rates: Step-by-Step Guide,” for more details in negotiating.

Eliminating Redundant Applications

Pinpointing overlaps in functionality across different SaaS tools enables you to streamline operations and reduce wasteful spending.

Maintain a centralized repository of all SaaS applications, detailing their specific functions.

This best practice facilitates the identification and elimination of redundancies.

SaaS Expense Management and Optimization

The processes described above are cornerstones of effective SaaS expense management and SaaS cost optimization.

By diligently analyzing data and taking action based on these insights, you position your organization to maximize the return on your software investments.


So, the effective management and reporting of SaaS expenditure are increasingly a really big deal.

Now, by taking the initiative to tackle challenges, using the right tools, and following a clear process for creating detailed reports, you can make your company money go further and be more agile.

As SaaS spending continues to occupy a substantial portion of IT budgets, with substantial growth forecasted, the importance of detailed and precise reporting on SaaS spending will only continue to intensify.