6 July 2024

Service Management Framework and Best Practices (Image by Infraon)

We all know IT service management best practices streamline the delivery and management of IT services within organizations.

These best practices ensure services meet user needs and support business goals.

Adopting frameworks like ITIL facilitates process standardization, enhancing operational efficiency.

For example, a study by AXELOS found organizations implementing ITIL practices reported significant improvements in service quality and customer satisfaction.

This approach not only boosts productivity but also optimizes resource utilization, reducing costs.

Through disciplined application of ITSM best practices, your business could achieve a competitive edge, demonstrating the critical role of ITSM in driving organizational success.

In this article, we will discuss what these best practices are and how to use them.

1. Implementing ITIL Framework

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a set of detailed practices for IT Service Management (ITSM) focusing on how to align IT services with the needs of the business.

ITIL improves service delivery by providing a structured process that meets or exceeds customer expectations. This, in turn, enhances client retention and generates industry referrals.

Moreover, ITIL drives increased efficiency and success in organizations by adopting structural modifications aligned with its framework, thereby enhancing overall organizational performance​​.

Specific ITIL best practices for optimizing service management include incident management, problem resolution, change management, and service level management.

These practices aim to ensure IT services are delivered in a way that aligns with the organization’s business goals and objectives while meeting agreed-upon service levels and quality standards​​.

Additionally, ITIL aids in reducing risk and disruption by providing guidelines for incident and problem management.

Furthermore, ITIL promotes increased transparency of expenses, resources, and value, empowering your organization to manage costs and optimize resource distribution efficiently. 

2. Prioritizing Incident and Problem Management

Incident management focuses on quickly restoring services after an unplanned interruption.

The goal is to minimize the impact on business operations and users by swiftly identifying and resolving incidents. 

Effective incident management involves clear roles and responsibilities, from the service desk acting as the first point of contact to tech leads and external experts providing specialized support.

Problem management, on the other hand, digs deeper to identify, analyze, and remove the root causes of incidents.

Unlike incident management, which deals with immediate fixes, problem management aims to prevent incidents from recurring. 

It involves a thorough investigation of incidents to discover underlying problems and implement permanent solutions to mitigate future risks​​​​.

The integration of IT service management processes with a strong focus on incident and problem management enhances service reliability and customer satisfaction. 

This alignment with business needs and expectations fosters a proactive approach to service improvement.

For successful implementation, it’s essential to adopt best practices such as leveraging technology for automation, maintaining a comprehensive knowledge database for quick access to solutions, and ensuring clear communication channels within IT teams and with stakeholders​​. 

3. Strategic Change Management

The strategic change management role is to minimize disruptions and ensure business continuity during changes to IT services or infrastructure.

The best way to implement change seamlessly is to understand your organization’s risk tolerance and plan accordingly.

This involves balancing risk and speed based on your organization’s culture, regulatory requirements, and compliance obligations.

Another concern is the simplification of the change management process. This means making the documentation and approval processes as streamlined as possible, reducing unnecessary steps, and employing technology to automate low-risk processes.

Your company should strive for efficiency by using tools that integrate well, keeping documentation centralized, and minimizing the approval steps required for low-risk changes​​.

With well-defined change management, your company can maintain a balance between the need for stable, reliable services and the necessity of regular updates to meet the changing business, security, and cost requirements​​​​.

4. Optimizing the Service Desk 

Some key strategies to optimize the service desk include leveraging modern IT service management tools to their fullest, fostering a culture of customer service, continuously training the team, and effectively using data to drive decisions​​​​​​.

Implementing the right tools that are scalable, easy to use, and integrate well with other systems is foundational.

Tools like codeless ITSM platforms and automation/integration tools help improve productivity and service quality​​.

A culture of customer service across the organization ensures that every team member is focused on providing the best possible experience to users.

This philosophy, complemented by a well-designed self-service portal, empowers users to resolve their issues independently, reducing the volume of incoming tickets​​.

Continuous training on the latest ITSM platforms, as well as ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Services (KCS) methodologies, ensures service desk staff have the skills they need to deliver excellent customer service.

Training helps keep the team up-to-date on new features, functionalities, and best practices.

Finally, measuring performance metrics such as first call resolution rate, average handle time, and customer satisfaction score is another consideration in your business.

Regularly tracking these KPIs allows for identifying trends and areas needing improvement, enabling data-driven decision-making to enhance service desk operations continuously​​.

5. Leveraging Automation for Efficiency

Automation in ITSM involves using technology to execute tasks without human intervention, streamlining workflows, and improving service delivery.

The benefits of ITSM automation include simplified ticket creation and routing, efficient incident and problem management, improved customer experience, better efficiency at the service desk, elimination of repetitive tasks, and boosted analytic insights​​​​.

Specific ITSM processes ripe for automation include:

  • Incident management, where tickets can be automatically created and routed based on predefined rules
  • Change management, with automated request submissions and approvals
  • Request fulfillment through self-service portals;
  • Service level management for SLA monitoring and alerts;
  • Capacity management, which involves automating monitoring and forecasting​​.

Successfully implementing ITSM automation requires the following:

  • Well-know about the difference between automation and orchestration,
  • Focusing on ROI (Return on Investments)
  • Identifying automatable tasks
  • Ensuring the right tools are in place
  • Having skilled personnel.

Key steps include understanding what can be automated, ensuring capabilities are ready for automation, selecting appropriate automation tools, and obtaining and growing the right skill sets​​​​.

At the end of the day, using automation in your IT service management (ITSM) system can significantly improve efficiency across a company’s IT operations. 

IT Service Management Best Practices (Image by Team Dynamix)

6. Selecting and Integrating ITSM Tools

The goal of selecting and integrating ITSM tools is to enhance operational efficiency and foster collaborative workflows.

When choosing ITSM tools, it’s important to define functional and non-functional requirements, leveraging demos and trials to evaluate each tool’s capabilities.

Scoring each tool based on a common set of criteria ensures an objective comparison while considering the total cost of ownership aids in making a financially sound decision​​.

Integration of ITSM tools with third-party providers enhances efficiency, security, visibility, and collaboration.

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) driven solution is preferred over a coding-based solution for its ease of use and quicker deployment time.

Engaging your team in the selection process increases buy-in and ensures the tool meets organizational needs​​.

When implementing an ITSM tool, assess if the tool integrates well with existing systems and software, emphasizing the importance of security and the tool’s ability to automate IT tasks.

It’s also crucial to involve your team, ensuring they are familiar with the software and its features, which leads to increased satisfaction, productivity, and efficiency​​.

7. Adopting a User-Centric Approach

Adopting a user-centric approach in IT service management (ITSM) emphasizes understanding and meeting user needs, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

In order to implement a user-centric approach to ITSM, it is crucial to integrate ITSM practices with a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of the users.

This can be achieved by leveraging technology to streamline processes and empowering IT teams to deliver exceptional service.

Self-service portals and knowledge bases empower users to resolve issues independently, reducing dependency on support teams.

This not only improves efficiency but also user satisfaction by enabling swift resolution of common tasks​​.

Chatbots and virtual agents further enhance this by providing timely and accurate solutions, thereby minimizing waiting times and improving the customer experience.

The ability to customize ITSM portals to align with one’s brand and requirements enables a more personalized user experience, making IT services more accessible and user-friendly​​.

We also need to emphasize the importance of a strong IT team as the core of effective ITSM processes.

Successful IT teams focus on continual learning and improvement, feeling valued and empowered to make a difference, thereby fostering productivity and driving digital transformation.

ITSM software should support a team’s practices, amplify their impact, and foster cross-team collaboration, empowering end-users and automating routine tasks​​.

8. Fostering a Culture of Continuous Improvement

This approach emphasizes the significance of ongoing learning, adaptation, and growth to meet the evolving needs of end-users and align IT services with business objectives more effectively.

Key strategies for creating a culture that values continuous improvement include:

  • Focusing on end-users rather than just processes
  • Preparing for cultural shifts within the organization
  • Recognizing that ITSM implementation is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event
  • Engaging in continuous evaluation to identify areas for improvement.

Moreover, adopting specific continuous improvement models like Lean, Kanban, and Scrum can provide structure, practices, and tools that facilitate this culture.

To successfully foster a culture of continuous improvement, your company should also focus on:

  • Looking ahead to set long-term goals
  • Securing buy-in from stakeholders
  • Developing a comprehensive framework for improvement
  • Rolling out the necessary tools and training to employees
  • Celebrating achievements to acknowledge progress
  • Motivate further improvement efforts​​.

These strategies enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of IT services. Plus, ensure your business remains competitive and responsive to changes in technology and user expectations.

9. Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Regular monitoring of KPIs is instrumental in identifying areas for improvement, optimizing processes, and enhancing service delivery to meet business objectives.

Essential KPIs for measuring ITSM performance include:

  • Service Availability
  • Time to Resolve
  • First-Call Resolution Rate
  • SLA Breach Rate
  • User/Customer Satisfaction
  • Cost per Contact
  • Net Promoter Score.

These metrics provide valuable insights into the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of IT services.

For instance, service availability measures the reliability and accessibility of IT services. At the same time, time to resolve indicates the average time taken to resolve incidents, directly impacting customer satisfaction.

Regular monitoring of these KPIs contributes to ongoing improvement by enabling IT teams to make data-driven decisions, prioritize resources effectively, and implement strategies that align with the overall business goals.

It fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where the focus remains on enhancing service delivery, reducing downtimes, and achieving higher levels of user satisfaction.


The journey to IT service management (ITSM) excellence is paved with the adoption and disciplined application of best practices.

These practices empower organizations to streamline the delivery and management of IT services, ensuring they align with user needs and support overarching business goals.

Of course, the effectiveness of ITSM is not just about managing technology; it is also about fostering a culture and people related to your business. 

Therefore, the path to ITSM excellence is multifaceted, requiring commitment to best practices, strategic planning, and continuous evaluation.

Commitment to these IT service management best practices will empower your business to manage complexity, align with strategic goals, and ensure user and stakeholder satisfaction.