20 May 2024

Network traffic analysis (Image by OCTOBITS)

Blog Octobits – Network traffic analysis offers insights to help monitor, detect, and mitigate threats in network infrastructure.

Network traffic analysis enables organizations to identify unusual activities, ensuring the security and efficiency of their network systems.

How exactly does network traffic analysis help? Well, it provides clear insights into what’s normal and what’s not on your network. This means you can spot potential threats or inefficiencies early on.

For example, suppose there’s a sudden spike in traffic to an unusual destination. In that case, NTA tools can alert you, potentially preventing a security breach.

Consider a healthcare provider with loads of sensitive patient data. By employing NTA, they can detect if an unauthorized device is trying to access patient records or if an unusual amount of data is being transferred out of their network—both potential signs of a cyber threat.

Moreover, NTA has a big role in monitoring data flow and identifying active devices within a network. It validates communication patterns, ensuring the accuracy of network security and data replication processes.

By capturing and analyzing every bit of data with packet-based NTA, IT teams can guarantee that data replication processes are secure and efficient, maintaining data integrity across the network.

You can discover more about how NTA facilitates robust data replication strategies in our detailed exploration in ‘Don’t Put Your Data at Risk: Understanding Data Replication for Business.’

Bow, are you ready to see how network traffic analysis really works? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Network Traffic Analysis

Network traffic analysis (NTA) is the process of monitoring, collecting, analyzing, and reporting on network traffic for performance, security, and capacity planning.

NTA starts with monitoring data flow, identifying active devices, and assessing whether their communication patterns are expected or out of the ordinary.

This lengthy process helps pinpoint unauthorized devices that could be a security risk.

So, NTA begins with capturing network data, typically achieved using packet sniffers or flow recorders.

Packet-based NTA captures every bit of data traversing the network, offering a granular view but at the cost of higher resource consumption.

In contrast, flow-based NTA, utilizing protocols like NetFlow, IPFIX, or sFlow, summarizes traffic data, balancing detail and performance.

Once data is captured, the next phase is its analysis. This involves various techniques such as statistical analysis, machine learning models, and heuristic algorithms to sift through the data.

Analysts look for patterns, trends, and anomalies. They may examine metrics like source and destination IP addresses, port numbers, protocol types, and payload sizes.

NTA tools apply algorithms to detect anomalies that could indicate threats like malware activity, data exfiltration, or unauthorized access.

For example, an unexpected spike in outbound traffic from a device could suggest a compromised system sending out stolen data.

Besides security, NTA also focuses on network performance. By analyzing traffic patterns, IT can identify bottlenecks or unexpected drops in traffic that might suggest a network issue or a misconfigured device.

Then, consider how advanced NTA solutions employ behavioral analysis to establish a baseline of normal network activity.

Deviations from this baseline are flagged for further investigation, allowing for the detection of subtle signs of compromise or emerging threats.

With all those long processes, of course, NTA doesn’t operate in isolation. NTA integrates with other network management and security systems, providing actionable insights.

For instance, if NTA detects a possible security threat, it can trigger alerts or integrate with response systems to automatically mitigate the risk.

What Techniques Are Available for Network Traffic Analysis?

First of all, we must understand that NTA isn’t just one technique. The best approach often combines several methods for maximum visibility.

Yes, network traffic analysis techniques vary in complexity and purpose, from basic monitoring to advanced threat detection and troubleshooting.

Your analysts might employ single-path analysis for straightforward issues or multi-path analysis to investigate interconnected network activities. 

These techniques, listed below, range from basic monitoring practices to threat detection and analysis frameworks.

Flow Analysis

Flow analysis involves summarizing metadata from network packets to create a high-level view of network traffic.

For example, a study might demonstrate that employing NetFlow, a popular flow analysis protocol, can effectively track the source, destination, protocol, class of service, and, crucially, the amount of traffic.

This technique allows for efficient monitoring of large-scale networks without needing detailed packet inspection, thus optimizing performance and resource allocation.

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)

DPI goes deeper by examining a packet’s data and the header part as it passes an inspection point.

This method provides granular data, allowing for meticulous content analysis.

DPI can be critical for detecting security threats, such as malware or harmful traffic, by identifying signatures or patterns known to be malicious.

A specific use case might involve identifying unusual data payloads that signify exfiltration attempts, thus enabling rapid response to potential breaches.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The application of AI and ML in NTA represents a cutting-edge approach where algorithms learn from historical traffic data to identify what is considered normal behavior.

Once a baseline is established, the system can flag anomalies, which could indicate a security issue or network malfunction. 

Publication by Tariq Emad Ali and colleagues in ‘Machine Learning Techniques to Detect a DDoS Attack in SDN: A Systematic Review’highlighted the use of machine learning and deep learning techniques to identify and mitigate DDoS attacks in software-defined networks (SDNs).

These advanced methodologies have shown significant promise in enhancing network security, demonstrating the ability of ML/DL approaches to adapt and respond to a wide array of DDoS attack vectors​.

Then we also see the study by Ali Mustapha and colleagues in “Detecting DDoS attacks using adversarial neural networks,” who developed AI-based DDoS attack detection tools.

The system achieved more than 91% accuracy in detecting sophisticated DDoS attacks, including those designed to evade machine learning algorithms.

This level of precision indicates the tool’s potential for real-time DDoS attack detection and mitigation.

Single-Path vs. Multi-Path Analysis

In simpler scenarios, single-path analysis may suffice—looking at data flow between two specific points.

However, multi-path analysis becomes essential when data travels across various routes and intersections, especially in complex network architectures.

By employing multi-path analysis, IT professionals can identify bottlenecks or vulnerabilities across different network paths, enhancing both security and performance.

Advanced Exploratory Analysis

This technique is employed for in-depth investigations without a predefined hypothesis.

It’s about exploring the data, asking open-ended questions, and uncovering hidden patterns or trends.

For instance, exploratory analysis might reveal an unexpected correlation between network usage peaks and specific external events, offering new insights for capacity planning or threat detection.

Network Traffic Analysis Tools

Tools move you and your teams from reactive problem-solving to a more proactive stance on network health.

But there are a bunch of NTA tools out there. So, we highlight ManageEngine OpManager Plus and Site24x7 Network Traffic Monitoring as your best options.

Then, we have AWS and Microsoft Azure as a platform with a wide range of services and features that can support NTA functions.

ManageEngine OpManager Plus is known for its robust monitoring capabilities across network devices, servers, and applications.

It automates network scanning, helping teams quickly discover and map devices.

Live metrics displays are another highlight, enabling real-time monitoring of network performance.

The tool sends alerts when certain thresholds are met or exceeded—such as unusual traffic spikes or drops.

Site24x7 Network Traffic Monitoring, on the other hand, offers a slightly different angle.

It’s a cloud-based tool accessible from anywhere, making it particularly useful for teams managing remote infrastructures.

Like ManageEngine, it offers real-time insights into network performance but with the added flexibility that comes from being a cloud-native solution.

Site24x7 Network Traffic Monitoring tracks various parameters, including bandwidth usage, packet transfer, and error rates.

First, you must consider that Microsoft Azure is not specifically a network traffic analysis (NTA) tool.

The Azure services can collect, analyze, and visualize network data.

Azure includes features like Azure Monitor and Network Watcher that offer network performance monitoring, diagnostic capabilities, and security features integral to network traffic analysis.

On the same spectrum, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is not a dedicated Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) tool.

However, AWS provides a broad range of services and features that can support NTA functions.

For example, services like Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Flow Logs can capture information about the traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. This data can be used for security and network troubleshooting. 

Additionally, AWS CloudWatch offers monitoring services that can track network performance, while AWS GuardDuty provides threat detection capabilities. 

Benefits of Network Traffic Analysis

NTA isn’t just about reacting to problems. It helps you proactively maintain a healthy, secure, and efficient network.

Network traffic analysis offers invaluable visibility into your network’s operations, revealing how data traverses your systems, identifies congestion points, and detects unauthorized access.

Understanding the movement of data is crucial for effective network and server management.

To grasp the significance of NTA in this context and explore its impact on server management within businesses, delve into our guide, ‘The Lazy Person’s Guide to Server Management (That Actually Works).’

After visibility, you need to know that NTA is a vigilant lookout. NTA could spot threats before they escalate into full-blown breaches.

It’s the difference between catching a malware attempt as it happens and dealing with a compromised system after the fact.

And in today’s digital landscape, where a breach can cost millions—IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020 pegged the average total cost at $3.86 million—prevention is far more economical than the cure.

Such figures make a compelling case for a proactive approach to network security, where prevention can lead to significant cost savings and averted crisis.

This comprehensive review of network traffic analysis and prediction techniques is invaluable for a deeper dive into the methodologies behind proactive threat detection and the financial benefits of such an approach.

It details various models and strategies to anticipate and counteract network threats, offering an extensive resource for those looking to enhance their network security posture.

Compliance is another significant factor. Regulations like GDPR and HIPAA aren’t just suggestions; they’re requirements that can lead to hefty fines if not followed. Network traffic analysis tools help ensure data flows align with compliance standards.

Network issues can range from annoying to catastrophic.

Quickly identifying and addressing the root cause—a failed device, a bandwidth bottleneck, or something else—keeps everything running smoothly and avoids costly downtime.

Responding swiftly to incidents is where network traffic analysis really shines.

You have the information to act quickly and decisively, whether shutting down an unauthorized access point or rerouting traffic to maintain service levels.


The digital world moves fast, and threats evolve constantly. You can be proactive defenders of their networks by staying up-to-date on NTA techniques and tools.

And remember, NTA is beyond detecting problems. With NTA, you can ensure a network’s integrity, which involves continuous monitoring and maintenance.

Continued learning and adaptation are vital in maintaining a healthy and secure digital environment as your network grows and the threat landscape shifts.

Now, start researching options suited to your needs. Even basic network traffic analysis is better than none.