7 July 2024

MSP Documentation Tools (Image by Helpjuice)

In 2024, MSP documentation tools have evolved from mere repositories of information to critical service delivery assets. 

These tools enable MSPs to efficiently manage complex technology environments and maintain high service levels. 

No longer a nice-to-have, documentation is a powerful enabler. Documentation increases efficiency by giving technicians quick access to the information they need, reducing downtime and ensuring smooth operations. 

How did documentation become important? And how does MSP documentation become a necessity? Let’s talk about it here

What are MSP Documentation Tools?

MSP documentation tools are digital platforms that centralize, automate, and streamline the creation, management, report, and accessibility of internal IT knowledge for improved operational efficiency, team collaboration, and client communication.

MSP documentation tools bring scattered information into a single source of truth, fueling faster onboarding, quicker troubleshooting, and happier clients who appreciate transparency and easy access to what they need.

Yes, these tools create a centralized hub where all client data, network configurations, and service procedures are stored. 

This centralization means quicker access to the latest information or quicker access to reporting tools for resolving issues efficiently.

For MSPs, this means smoother operations and improved client service. As the tech landscape grows more complex, these tools become even more essential, helping MSPs navigate and manage this complexity with ease.

Why Does Your Company Need MSP Documentation Software?

MSP documentation software is vital for companies navigating the dynamic tech environment.

This software streamlines the onboarding of new staff, ensuring they’re quickly up to speed with your processes and protocols, crucial for maintaining service quality as you grow.

MSP documentation software also builds client trust by providing transparent, up-to-date records of their systems, and supporting help desk software for customer satisfaction.

In emergencies, having detailed, ready-to-deploy recovery plans minimizes downtime, safeguarding your clients’ operations.

The real strength of this software lies in centralizing information, automating updates, and enabling team collaboration in real time.

This ensures documentation is always current and reliable, a cornerstone for effective problem-solving and strategic planning.

So, investing in MSP documentation tools doesn’t just optimize your current operations; it’s a strategic move for sustainable growth and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Criteria for Evaluation: How We Evaluated 

Finding the perfect MSP documentation tool is like assembling your dream team – each function needs to be top-notch for seamless collaboration and success.

To help you on your quest, we’ve dissected six essential criteria to consider, giving you the power to choose the tool that empowers your team and impresses your clients.

1. Collaboration Features

For MSP documentation tools, collaboration is key. Tools that enable real-time teamwork, allowing multiple users to access and edit documents simultaneously, enhance efficiency.

Look for features like shared workspaces, comment threads, and version tracking. This encourages a cohesive workflow and ensures everyone is aligned, making complex IT management smoother.

2. Integration Capabilities

Effective MSP tools should seamlessly integrate with other business systems, like CRM and service management software.

Integration minimizes manual data entry, reduces errors, and provides a more unified view of operations.

The ability to integrate well indicates a tool’s adaptability to various IT environments.

3. Security Measures

With sensitive client data at stake, robust security measures are non-negotiable.

Strong encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits are essential features.

These measures protect against data breaches, maintaining client trust and compliance with data protection regulations.

4. User-Friendliness

The best MSP tools are intuitive and easy to use. They should simplify, not complicate, your processes.

A user-friendly interface, clear navigation, and accessible support materials mean your team spends less time learning new software and more time providing quality service.

5. Scalability

As your business grows, your MSP tool should grow with you. Scalability is crucial.

Tools that can handle an increasing amount of data, more users, and evolving business needs without performance lag are ideal.

This ensures long-term utility, avoiding the need for frequent tool changes.

6. Pricing Models

Pricing should align with your business size and usage. Look for transparent pricing structures that scale with your needs.

Whether it’s a per-user model or tiered pricing, it should be clear what you’re paying for and how it fits into your budget. Avoid tools with hidden costs or unclear pricing tiers.

Top MSP Documentation Software in 2024

Choosing the absolute top MSP documentation software for 2024 can be tricky, as different tools cater to specific needs and preferences.

However, based on current trends and industry insights, here are some leading contenders likely to remain popular in 2024.

1. IT Glue

A well-established platform known for its robust integration capabilities with RMM and PSA tools, making it ideal for streamlining workflows.

Pros of IT Glue

IT Glue shines because of the robust features for tracking client documentation and innovative OTP/MFA tracking for passwords.

The integration with Connectwise is a real enabler, creating a seamless experience. 

Its documentation templates and dynamic updating using APIs are big pluses, making the management of client data more streamlined and efficient. 

The ease of importing and exporting client data is particularly valuable for MSPs dealing with frequent client transitions.

Cons of IT Glue

The lack of automated data backups is a significant drawback, potentially increasing the risk of data loss.

Some IT Glue users have also expressed concerns about the security protocols, especially regarding access controls for IT Glue staff.

Price of IT Glue

When it comes to pricing, IT Glue positions itself competitively in the market, starting at $29 per user per month, though it requires a minimum of five users.

This pricing model suits small to medium-sized MSPs but may be a consideration for smaller operations or individual consultants.

2. IT Boost

IT Boost excels at streamlining workflows for MSPs heavily invested in the ConnectWise ecosystem. 

IT Boost seamlessly integrates with your PSA and RMM tools, automatically pulling in data and eliminating manual documentation tasks.

Pros of IT Boost

Using IT Boost is like having a superpower for your PSA and RMM tools, pulling in data automatically.

This means less manual work for you – we’re talking about your configuration details, password vaults, and SOPs getting updated on their own. It’s all about making your life easier and error-free.

Cons of IT Boost

If you step outside the ConnectWise world, IT Boost’s integration capabilities start to thin out. It’s customizable, which is great, but it can be a bit overwhelming for new users.

Price of IT Boost

Starting at about $17 per user per month for the basic plan, the cost goes up as your MSP grows. This makes it a flexible option for MSPs of different sizes.

Documentation Software (Image by Holistic)

3. Scribe

Scribe makes writing docs as natural as sending an email, with drag-and-drop, templates, and real-time editing.

This ease of use fosters adoption and empowers even non-technical team members to contribute, ensuring knowledge is captured and shared seamlessly.

Pros of Scribe

Scribe create detailed instructions effortlessly with just a few clicks. Scribe turning complex processes into simple, easy-to-follow documentation. 

It’s like having a virtual assistant that not only captures your steps, but also turns them into a polished, shareable format.

This tool isn’t just for documentation; it’s a revolution in how we manage and share knowledge within organizations.

Cons of Scribe

Several Scribe users have noted minor hiccups like duplicated steps and limitations in image adjustments.

And yes, those looking for flawless exporting to PDF might find the occasional uneven element sizing a slight inconvenience.

Price of Scribe

Scribe’s approach to pricing is as user-friendly as its interface. At $23 a month, it opens its arms to a broad spectrum of users, from small businesses to large enterprises.

4. Confluence

Confluence robust features and customization potential make it a contender for larger MSPs seeking a centralized knowledge hub. 

Confluence rich formatting options, macros, and plugins allow for creating anything from simple procedures to interactive diagrams and knowledge bases.

Pros of Confluence

Confluence’s strength lies in its versatility. It’s widely used across organizations for storing project documentation, serving as a knowledge base repository, and managing complex workflows.

Confluence’s ability to support knowledge management and organize diverse forms of documentation, including roadmaps and technical details, makes it a valuable asset for teams.

Furthermore, its collaborative wiki tool nature enhances team collaboration and knowledge sharing, streamlining internal communications and procedures​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.

Cons of Confluence

A notable one is the lack of efficient customer support, which can be a hurdle for users seeking timely assistance. 

Additionally, some users have encountered technical limitations, such as issues with handling numbered lists in the cloud version.

These aspects may affect user experience, especially in situations requiring rapid problem resolution or specific formatting needs​​​​.

Price of Confluence

Confluence’s pricing starts at an accessible $6.05 per month, making it an affordable option for a range of businesses.

5. DokuWiki

DokuWiki might not have the bells and whistles of some of its competitors, but what it lacks in sleek interfaces, it makes up for in raw power and flexibility.

With DokuWiki, you’re the architect of your knowledge base. This open-source platform gives you complete control over its look, feel, and functionality. 

Pros of DokuWiki

DokuWiki’s strength is in its straightforward, wiki-style approach to document management. It’s designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible even to those with limited technical expertise.

The software excels in version control, offering robust revision control services that allow users to track changes and compare different versions of documents.

Another significant advantage is its flexibility in customization. With over 1000 plug-ins available, DokuWiki can be tailored to a wide range of needs, enhancing its functionality and adaptability​​​​​​.

Cons of DokuWiki

One notable drawback is its inaccessibility on mobile devices, restricting its use to computer-based access. This limitation could impact users who require documentation access on the go​​.

Price of DokuWiki

DokuWiki is free and open-source, requiring only web hosting costs for self-deployment.

6. Passportal Docs

Passportal Docs puts the spotlight on client-facing knowledge, empowering your customers to self-service and freeing up your techs for more strategic tasks.

Passportal Docs flips the script, creating secure, branded portals where clients can access relevant documentation, knowledge base articles, and FAQs.

Pros of Passportal Docs

Passportal Docs is appreciated for its intuitive design, making it user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Its strong reporting capabilities stand out, allowing for efficient tracking and management of documentation.

Passportal Docs empowers customers. That means fewer support calls and happier customers.

The software’s integration with Active Directory and the functionality to manage password changes are also highly regarded, enhancing its utility in MSP operations.

Cons of Passportal Docs

The lack of notifications for renewal of subscriptions and warranties is a missing feature that could impact service management.

Some bugs during the initial setup and a limited Document Management System (DMS) have also been noted​​.

Price of Passportal Docs

Specific 2024 Passportal Doc pricing details are not available. For detailed pricing, you will need to contact the N-able Passportal sales team.​

7. Atera

Atera steps in as a one-stop shop, integrating seamless documentation capabilities within its existing platform.

Atera merges documentation creation, knowledge base building, and password management directly into its workflow, saving time and boosting consistency. 

Pros of Atera

Atera is renowned for its versatility, functioning seamlessly as a remote management and ticketing system.

Atera is highly valued for its mobile device compatibility, offering flexibility in urgent scenarios for accessing critical information.

Atera also stands out for its AI-powered features and automation, which greatly enhance operational efficiency and proactive maintenance in various IT scenarios.

Cons of Atera

Several Atera users note the lack of certain advanced features, suggesting it might not be the best fit for very large enterprises with complex IT needs or specialized use cases.

Additionally, the per-user pricing model, while cost-effective for smaller teams, can become expensive for larger teams with many technicians​​​​.

Price of Atera

Atera’s pricing is tiered based on features and user count. Their Profesiional plan, including basic documentation functionalities, starts at $149 per technician per month.​​​


As we navigate through 2024, it’s clear that MSP documentation tools are not optional, but essential for efficiency and growth. 

MSP documentation tools adapt to different business needs and offer scalable solutions that evolve with your business.

Adopting these tools isn’t just about keeping up, it’s about setting the stage for innovation and success. 

Let’s use these tools to their full potential and ensure that our businesses are well-equipped for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

Remember, in IT and business, clarity and efficiency aren’t just goals; they’re the benchmarks of excellence.

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