6 July 2024

MSP Business Plan (Image by Freepik @rawpixel)

A well-thought-out MSP business plan template is about having a pre-built structure.

Templates save you time and ensure you haven’t missed any crucial details. This template is precious if you’re new to the MSP world.

As we know, the MSP business plan forces you to think about the big picture – from who you’re selling to, what services you’ll offer, and how you’ll make money.

Then, a template gives you direction and helps you avoid common pitfalls that could trip up your business early on.

Recent surveys, such as the 2023 report from Barracuda MSP, indicate that MSPs anticipate significant growth, expecting an average increase of 33% in their business.

This growth is linked to expanding service offerings, demonstrating the dynamic nature of the industry and the necessity of a well-thought-out business strategy​​.

So, crafting an MSP business plan is more than just a bureaucratic necessity.

And a template is a common starting point for effectively navigating the competitive landscape, adapting to industry changes, and achieving long-term prosperity.

Hence, this guide will help you build a strong, thoughtful, and ready template for the future.

Benefits of Using a Business Plan Template

Seriously, think of a template as your trusty sidekick. As you know, crafting an MSP business plan from scratch is time-consuming and a task many prefer to avoid.

Firstly, utilizing a business plan template provides a structured framework without wasting time. You can ensure you cover all critical aspects of your business without starting from scratch.

This aspect is especially crucial in the dynamic MSP landscape, where staying agile and responsive to market changes is vital.

A comprehensive business plan template ensures you recognize essential components that could be critical for your MSP’s future. 

Whether defining your business model, aligning your IT services with market demands, or detailing your financial projections, a template guides you through these complex elements step by step.

Moreover, a business plan template offers invaluable guidance for new or evolving MSPs.

It provides a roadmap, highlighting industry best practices and offering insights into practical strategies for growth and sustainability.

Have you ever considered the real impact of not using a business plan template, especially when it seems like another document?

What if we closely examine the vast number of MSPs and their customers?

Based on the report from S&P Global Market Intelligence’s Cloud, Hosting & Managed Services Market Monitor, the total market value for managed services is projected to reach nearly $100 billion by 2026. 

Given the industry’s intense competition and rapid growth, could a well-structured business plan template be the first key to differentiating your MSP in a crowded marketplace?

Benefits of Having a Business Plan for MSP

Of course, a business plan is not a secret weapon. But, a strong business plan unlocks some serious advantages. Every successful MSP has a business plan. Therefore, you must stay on the curve with this kind of successful MSP.

Let’s dive into the three crucial benefits of having a business plan for your MSP.

Clear Strategic Direction

First, a business plan gives your MSP a clear direction to know where you are now and map out where you want to go.

With sectors like managed IT services rapidly growing, your plan helps you navigate this competitive landscape, positioning your MSP for future growth and ensuring you stay caught up.

The plan should encapsulate your mission, goals, target market, and how you differentiate yourself from competitors, providing a compass for your business journey​​.

Financial Planning and Management

Your business plan is your economic blueprint, outlining expected revenue, expenses, and profitability.

Understanding your financial trajectory allows for better decision-making and investment in a sector where the managed services market is anticipated to escalate significantly.

This includes setting realistic financial goals and monitoring key performance indicators to ensure your MSP remains financially viable​​.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Your business plan lays out your operational strategies, from the services you offer to the processes that ensure these services are delivered effectively.

This comprehensive approach helps streamline operations, improve service delivery, and boost customer satisfaction.

By delineating your operational workflows, you’re better equipped to manage day-to-day activities and align them with broader business objectives, ensuring your MSP operates like a well-oiled machine​​.

Investor and Stakeholder Confidence

A well-articulated business plan is your MSP’s voice to the outside world, particularly investors, lenders, and partners.

A business plan demonstrates your business acumen, market understanding, and strategic foresight, building confidence in your MSP’s potential for success.

Attract the Right Clients

Who’s your dream customer? A business plan makes you think about your ideal client profile.

This is about more than who has the budget for your services. It’s about who you enjoy working with and where your expertise truly shines. 

When you’re clear about this, your marketing gets laser-focused, and you’ll start attracting clients that make your work fulfilling.

Template of MSP Business Plan – Traditional 

This template aims to provide a clear roadmap for MSP companies.

We create a fictional Australian MSP Solutions company, AussieMSP,  to illustrate how the template works in practice.

Executive Summary

  • Mission Statement: To provide innovative and reliable managed IT services that empower Australian businesses to thrive in a digital age.
  • Business Goals: To become a leading MSP in Australia by delivering exceptional value and service, achieving a 20% market share in our niche by 2026.
  • Services Offered: Comprehensive IT support, cybersecurity solutions, cloud services, and IT consulting tailored for small to medium-sized businesses in Australia.
  • Company Size: Starting with a team of 10, expanding to 50 by 2026.
  • Target Market: Australian SMEs across various industries seeking to enhance their IT infrastructure and digital security.
  • Financial Plans: Projected to reach AUD 5 million in revenue by year three, reinvesting 15% annually in R&D and market expansion.

Company Overview

  • Location: Headquartered in Sydney, with plans to expand to Melbourne and Brisbane.
  • Legal Structure: Proprietary Limited company, compliant with Australian business regulations.
  • Team: A blend of experienced IT professionals, sales and marketing experts, and customer support staff, all dedicated to delivering superior service.

Market Analysis

  • Industry Outlook: Addressing the growing demand for MSPs in Australia, particularly post-COVID-19 digital transformation.
  • Target Audience: Detailing Australian SMEs’ demographics, IT needs, and purchasing behavior.
  • Competition: Analyzing major competitors, offerings, and market positioning to identify gaps and opportunities.
Business Plan for MSP (Image by Freepik @EyeEm)

Services and Operational Plan

  • Service Portfolio: Detailing service offerings, benefits, and how they align with customer needs.
  • Operational Strategy: Outlining service delivery processes, customer support protocols, and quality assurance measures.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Positioning: Differentiating AussieMSP as a customer-centric, innovative, and reliable MSP partner.
  • Sales Approach: Combining inbound marketing, direct sales, and partnerships to attract and retain clients.
  • Promotion: Utilizing digital marketing, industry events, and targeted advertising to build brand awareness.

Financial Projections

  • Startup Costs: Initial investment in infrastructure, staffing, and marketing.
  • Revenue Streams: Diverse income sources from monthly service subscriptions, consultancy fees, and customized solutions.
  • Profit Forecast: Break-even analysis, profitability timelines, and return on investment projections.


  • Team Resumes Backgrounds of key personnel, emphasizing industry experience and expertise.
  • Legal Documents: Business registration, compliance certificates, and service agreements.
  • Supporting Data: Market research, customer testimonials, and industry benchmarks.

Template of MSP Business Plan – A Simple One

The MSP business plan template above can be made even more concise. Here is a more concise business plan template suitable for bootstrapped MSPs.

Of course, the name of the company is still fictional. Let’s call it “TechTide MSP” to make it simple.

Executive Summary

  • Product: Comprehensive managed IT services, including cybersecurity, cloud management, and IT consultancy.
  • Customers: Targeting Australian SMEs, especially in the retail and healthcare sectors.
  • Future of the Company: Plans to expand services into AI-driven analytics and IoT for SMEs by 2025.

Company Description

  • Mission Statement: “Empowering Australian businesses through innovative IT solutions.”
  • Principal Members: A team of IT veterans with diverse expertise.
  • Legal Structure: Pty Ltd is compliant with Australian business laws.

Market Research

  • Industry: Growing demand for MSPs in Australia, especially in cybersecurity.
  • Detailed Description of Customers: Focus on SMEs needing to modernize IT infrastructure.
  • Company Advantages: Local expertise, industry-accredited professionals, and bespoke service offerings.

Service Line

  • Product/Service: Tailored MSP packages, from essential IT support to advanced cybersecurity.
  • Pricing Structure: Subscription-based, tiered pricing aligning with service levels.
  • Product Lifecycle: Continuous update and evolution of services based on market needs and technological advancements.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Proprietary methodologies and software tools.
  • Research and Development: Ongoing investment in emerging IT technologies.

Marketing & Sales

  • Growth Strategy: Digital marketing, partnerships, and customer referrals.
  • Communicate with the Customer: Regular updates, newsletters, and personalized IT assessments.
  • How to Sell: Value-driven approach emphasizing ROI, security, and efficiency enhancements for clients.

Template of MSP Business Plan – Comprehensive Strategic 

Now, the business plan template below is more comprehensive and strategic.

It’s tailored to allow you to customize each section, ensuring you capture the essence of your MSP business, spotlighting its strengths and potential. 

The Business Definition

  • Value Proposition: Delivering robust, scalable IT solutions tailored for the Australian market.
  • Attracting Customers: Through targeted digital marketing, industry partnerships, and stellar client referrals.
  • Customer Relations: Personalized service plans and responsive support.
  • Revenue Sources: Subscription-based models, project consulting, and managed cybersecurity services.
  • Key Activities: Service delivery, customer engagement, and continuous improvement.
  • Key Resources: Skilled IT professionals with advanced technology stacks.
  • Partners: Collaboration with tech vendors and industry organizations.
  • Cost Sources: Infrastructure, personnel, marketing, and R&D.

The Processes

  • Attract: Utilizing SEO, content marketing, and networking events.
  • Convert: Through consultative selling and demonstrating value.
  • Deliver: Implementing best practices in IT service management.
  • Complete: Ensuring customer satisfaction and feedback loops for service improvement.

The Factory

  • Infrastructure: Cloud services, data centers, and customer support tools.
  • Technology: Latest IT management software and cybersecurity tools.

Personal Goals

  • Impact: Becoming a thought leader in the Australian MSP market.
  • Freedom: Creating a business that supports work-life balance.
  • Wealth Goals: Achieving sustainable growth and profitability.


  • Team Building: Hiring for culture fit and expertise.
  • Engagement: Continuous training and clear communication.
  • Alignment: Shared goals and collaborative work environment.

Metrics and Money

  • Performance Metrics: Customer satisfaction, service uptime, and financial health.
  • Financial Planning: Budgeting, forecasting, and investment in growth areas.


  • Challenges: Addressing the evolving IT needs of Australian businesses.
  • Innovation: Developing proprietary tools or methodologies that offer competitive advantages.

Template of MSP Business Plan – Investment Blueprint

Now, the business plan template below offers a customized suite of MSP services designed to drive growth, ensure ROI, and ensure long-term sustainability.

Let’s say the MSP company is called CloudyAussie.


CloudyAussie is a cutting-edge MSP dedicated to transforming Australian businesses through superior IT support and innovative technology solutions.


Australian SMEs struggle with outdated IT infrastructures, lack of cybersecurity, and inefficient technology that hampers growth and competitiveness.

Our Solution

Comprehensive MSP services, including proactive IT management, cybersecurity enhancements, cloud integration, and technology consulting tailored for SMEs.

Target Market

SMEs across Australia, especially in finance, healthcare, and education, seek to modernize their IT operations and enhance security.

The Competition

Local and national MSPs offered standard IT services without CloudCore’s industry-specific customization and personal engagement.

Revenue Streams

Monthly service subscriptions, customized IT project implementations, cybersecurity assessments, and cloud migration services.

Marketing Activities

Digital marketing campaigns, industry events, content marketing, and strategic partnerships to build brand awareness and generate leads.


Operational costs, including staffing, technology investments, marketing, and office overheads.

Team and Key Roles

Diverse professionals, including IT specialists, sales and marketing personnel, customer support staff, and management teams, are focused on innovation and customer satisfaction.


Achieving key client acquisition targets, expanding service offerings, attaining industry certifications, and reaching specific revenue goals within the first three years.


All in all, the above templates need to be customized to fit the needs of your MSP business. Because the secret weapon is in the details you provide.

The more accurate the details you provide, the better. In line with what, exactly?

According to the needs of the targeted market, according to the conditions of your business, according to business projections that match your business fundamentals, and so on. 

Of course, you need accurate data to get details that match many of the above.

With this accurate data in hand, you will not only be able to create the right business plan for your business.

You can also create an MSP business continuity plan that allows your business to be more reliable in the face of disruptions.

So, as good as the business plan template here is, it will only do you good if you can adapt it to the data-accurate reality.